Curated by studio artist / writer / DJ Dennis Kane
Annette Lemieux
ideological minimalism
This week’s art post features the great work of Annette Lemieux. She works in a variety of media and works in a theater of memory, examining aporias in accepted, dominant narratives. Check her work at her website.
Photo Credit:
Mitchell Inns & Nash, Annette Lemieux
Whitney Museum, Annette Lemieux
Quote and Portrait Credit: WBUR, Annette Lemieux, Whose Art Addresses History And Politics, Wins MFA’s $10K Prize
Jean Luc Godard
french new wave master
This week’s art post is selected stills from film’s by the great Jean Luc Godard who passed this year at age 91. It is an understatement to say Godard was a giant, he profoundly impacted cinema and modern thinking several times over. His work was always advancing, changing form and challenging the status quo. He was always morally outrages and always willing to stay on the margins. He understood life’s cruelty and saw art as a tool for resistance. He celebrated the defiance of beauty, the grace of charity, and the aunthenticity of being a moral enemy of the state.
Je vous salue JLG!
Charles Gaines
aesthetics, politics and philosophy
This week’s art selection features the work on noted conceptual artist and teacher Charles Gaines. Gainses’s work engages formulas that interrogate relationships between objective and subjective realms. Using many forms - photography, musical composition, sculpture, video, etc. - Gaines examines identity and power and the fault lines of capital’s utopia. His is some of the most engaged and ambitious work being made today.
Photo Credit:
Colossal,Through Monumental Sculpture of Moving Chains, Artist Charles Gaines Confronts the Enduring Legacy of American Slavery
Paula Cooper Gallery, Charles Gaines
ARTFORUM, Differing Equations: The Art of Charles Gaines
LA Times, How the dense grids of artist Charles Gaines took the ego out of art, Carolina A. Miranda
Jonathon Griffin, Charles Gaines
Wade Guyton
digital inkjet abstractions
This week’s art selection features the untitled works of Wade Guyton. Guyton uses an inkjet printer for his large paintings, letting the printers mistakes and inconsistencies arise. Initially his work was geometric, minimal and abstract; more recent offerings focus on the mundane: his studio, the daily paper, the incidental, juxtapositions of the everyday. Printed out in variations, a feedback loop that frames the process of absorbing images into the mind, examining what constitutes “representation” in our digital reality.
Photo Credit:
Matthew Marks Gallery, Wade Guyton
Artnet, Wade Guyton
Emergent Mag, Reena Spaulings, New York City
Whitney Museum of American Art, Wade Guyton, New York City
Warwick Collection, Wade Guyton
Zabludowicz Collection, Wade Guyton
Ignant Magazine, The Work Of Art In The Age Of Compulsive Reproduction: Two Decades In The Oeuvre Of Wade Guyton, Thomas Pirot, Anna Sinofzik
Jennifer Bolande
post conceptual objects and images
For our Wednesday art post, Dennis Kane features one of his favorite artists Jennifer Bolande. Her work uses photography/ sculpture to create quietly arresting moments that examine instances around the periphery of thought. She indexes and points to fault lines of power and ideological habit. Check more of her work at her website.
Photo Credit:
Quotation Credit: Art Forum, Something to Do with Jennifer Bolande, January 1989
Portrait Credit: Jennifer Bolande, Chambre D'amis
Sam Durant
Public Protest
This week’s art post features the work of Sam Durant. Durant is a multi media artist whose works focus on hierarchies of power, referencing historical moments and social acts of resistance or response. Durant’s works are often made for public display outside of art institutions and attempt a larger public discourse.
Photo Sources:
ArtNet, Unit London
Mousse Magazine, Sam Durant, Proposal for Public Fountain, Sadie Coles HQ, London
Unframed, Sam Durant, Like Man I’m Tired of Waiting, LACMA
ArtLead, Billboard Series #21, Sam Durant and the Art of Dialogue
Toward Freedom, Untitled (Drone), 2021